We Welcome You To Crosstown Baptist Church

We are a people who are brought together in Christ, our Savior. Our desire is to be “rooted and built up in Him”. We are committed to loving one another as Christ commanded. 


Apr 5 –  Men’s breakfast 8:00am 4th Avenue Coffee and Pancake House, Moline.

Apr 6 – Camp Manitoumi Sunday. Chad Rodgers, the Camp Director will be with us to make a presentation about the camp.

Kids for  Truth Club for kindergarten to 6th grade.  Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7:30pm.

Sunday Service times

Children’s Sunday School 9:15am

Adult  Sunday School 9:15am

Service 10:30am


The Church

Let’s have a talk about your needs. Have a question, prayer request, need directions, or anything else, feel free to contact us.


Our Events

Church life means faith, relationship, discipline, service, responsibilities of church leaders and members, and much more.


Ways To Give

Your gift allows us to further our mission to lead the world to worship God through serving, loving, evangelizing and discipleship. 

We gather for inspiration, fellowship, and guidance in the meaning of Christian discipleship.

We share God’s love in various ways in our homes, places of work, local community, and throughout the world.

Crosstown Baptist church

About Us

What We Believe

Learn about the doctrinal beliefs of Crosstown Baptist Church. Read our articles of faith and get specifics about scriptures and more.

Become A Part Of Our Community

We enjoy being a church where we work together, worship together, and grow together in christ.

Recent Sermons

We post our sermons weekly on Facebook live. Come check out the latest of what we have to offer. You wont be disappointed!


Our mission is to present Biblical truth and share God’s love so people will trust in Jesus Christ and live for Him.

We have a threefold mission to fulfill.
First, we are committed to the ministry of Evangelism. Our desire is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ beginning in our community and then to reach out to the far reaches of our world. 
Second, we are committed to the ministry of Edification. Our desire is to teach the Bible in its entirety to our people so that they will grow and become strong in their faith. 
Third, we are committed to the ministry of Exaltation. Our desire is to glorify God not only in our worship services, but also in our daily lives. 
If you are looking for a church family, come worship with us. You will find that our people love one another and minister to one another faithfully. Read more 

Your Pastor

Our highest purpose of living is to glorify the Lord.

We do this through diligent study of the Word and through our faithful service to Him.
